If you are a photographer living in any of the regions that implement daylight savings, you already know that your clocks need to be turned forward by an hour this weekend. When I first moved to the US, I was taken aback by the concept of changing clocks twice every year to compensate for the lack of daylight. But now, I wrapped my head around it and still have a hard time explaining to my parents who live in India why we have to do so. That's right, 2 times every year, I do that and they still ask me!
If you are a photographer like me, you will be affected by this just like everyone else but I thought I'd illustrate a few pointers that you might miss out on.
1. Camera Clock
Your camera's internal clock is used to time-stamp your images. This is helpful when sorting on capture time in Lightroom. This is critical when dealing with multiple cameras. A synced time-stamp metadata allows for a much quicker post-production workflow between the multiple cameras. Most cameras these days have an automated feature available; if it doesn't you know what to do.
2. Golden Hour
If you are a fan of shooting pictures in the Golden hour/twilight, make sure to observe the time change and plan your shoots accordingly. Also, you'll tend to have extended durations of sunsets because of longer days and shorter during fall time. Again, plan your shot list based on that duration.
3. Follow up
I can't tell you how many times I forgot changing my clocks and ended up coming to work earlier / late, thankfully it wasn't a grave situation. So, if you have a shoot scheduled on the Monday after, be sure to notify them about the time change and confirm your shoot. Just because you are on top of things, doesn't mean that the client will be too. Be sure to notify them about the time change and plan your shoot.
Here's a nice read about interesting facts on DST: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/health/sleep/surprising-facts-about-daylight-saving-time/8786/