Here to this beautiful couple who were on their way to do the nuptials soon. I reached out to Shukria in response to her Thumbtack request. A couple of weeks later she got back to me and we finalized on a date and a quote that works best for both of us. Right from the moment we started chatting she was keen to shoot at Sutro Baths with which she had a lot of memories associated.
After a lot of back and forth texting, we finally decided on a day and time. The idea was to primarily shoot at Stow Lake and eventually move to Sutro baths but with the fading sunlight which is always the case in SF, we had to shoot at Sutro Baths and some other location closer.
We started off with the open area in front of California Academy of Sciences building. Man, was that a good choice? It was nearly empty and the landscape made a beautiful background (minus the minor roadwork)

They wore complementing outfits and Shukria was ready with her poses. That made my job a lot easier, all I had to do was direct them with the light and capture their love with my 50 and 85 mm lens. There are tons of spots for Engagement pictures in San Francisco and this was one of them.
We then drove to Sutro Baths where she quickly changed her outfit. I was surprised that hijab can be so fashionable. I could clearly see in her expressions, that she loved this place. Sun was setting fast so we quickly had to doge the crowds and get as many pictures in as we can.

The stairs down to the baths made it look so different from the actual spot itself. i couldn't resist but to have them pose for a couple of photos. I had to do a lot of post processing for this as there were people in the background. You couldn't tell, huh?
The golden hour setting made it the perfect ambience to shoot engagement pictures. So, if you are ever in the need for an Engagement photoshoot in San Francisco Bay Area or are looking for a pre-wedding photographer in San Francisco Bay Area, holler at me.
You can also view there full gallery here: